
Anna Carini

Anna Carini holds an M.Div from Westminster Theological Seminary, where she focused her studies on counseling. She is currently working on a Ph.D. in Biblical Spirituality at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Born and raised in Indianapolis, IN, Anna Carini studied music and philosophy at Wheaton College, IL. After meeting her husband Joel at college, they then moved to Philadelphia to attend Westminster Theological Seminary where they both earned Masters of Divinity degrees. While in seminary, Anna worked at Harvest USA, a ministry for sexual brokenness. For two years there, she discipled women, lead biblical support groups, and helped training and teaching churches around the country.

Anna lives in St. Louis with Joel and their three children. Anna continues playing cello and piano with her trumpet-playing husband and they both enjoy reading, discussing philosophy and theology, and their dog Hobbes. Areas of counseling interest/experience include anxiety, depression, eating disorders, OCD, abuse, same-sex attraction, and sexual addiction.

You may contact Anna at or (630) 384-9891.