Our Services

Christian Counseling

Christian counseling involves careful listening and understanding of the sufferings and difficulties of life and encourage and advice to progress forward. Counseling can be beneficial for acute events and besetting conditions, like a death or clinical anxiety or depression; but it is also of help in the ordinary course of life, as a means to live an examined and whole life.

As Christians, we need therapy that takes into account the whole counsel of God, viewing us as both body and soul. At the same time, our counselors are equipped to know when to refer to specialists, acknowledging the limits of counseling and the place of psychotherapeutic and other interventions.

Personal Discipleship

In the Great Commission, Christ commanded the apostles, and thereby the church, to make disciples of all people. As a Christians, we remain in need of discipling and models of disciple-making. Our staff are prepared to offer a one-to-one discipleship relationship, focused on personal spiritual growth. Distinct from counseling, discipleship focuses on the building of spiritual disciplines, assesses spiritual health and growth, and encourages one in Christian formation and leadership.

Personal Coaching

Some of our needs for growth are focused on an aspect of life in which we must develop skill and intentionality. Our staff provides coaching related to career, family, and home life, with a particular view to effectiveness as a Christian in each area of vocation.

Schedule a consultation to determine which form of soul care is right for you.